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Better with Books!
Fill the Shelves community library campaign

When people live in deep poverty, there are so many needs that it can be hard to carve out space and dollars for the "luxury" of books. 

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your donation in April!

A generous donor has stepped up with $10,000 in matching funds to fill our new community library with books!


We are calling on our Kenya Works community to help us accept the challenge to raise the matching grant amount in the month of April!



must-read literature

To donate by credit or bank card, EFTS/bank draft or PayPal, please use this online form.

To donate by check: please make check payable to Kenya Works and send to:  debit, bank account

It all happens at the library!


Whether you want to help mothers and young children bond over books; create life-long learning opportunities, or ensure a community has access to the literature of its ancestors; create access to school books so learners can continue their studies outside of the school day! Our community library will be stocked with all these opportunities and more.

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Library Shortage in Kenya

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Kenya has only 64 national public libraries serving the population of 53 million people. Kajiado County, home to 1.1 M people and the Kenya Works Community Center has ZERO public libraries. Join us in this amazing opportunity to break the barriers and open access to the power of books in equalizing opportunities for all.

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