Community Works
Advancing Human Rights
Kenya Works Community Works
Advancing Human Rights
More than 45 percent of Kenyan women and girls experience gender-based violence, and regions of the country still practice Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and child marriage.
Over the past decade, the country has made significant human rights progress with a democratic constitution which provides a legal framework to bar violations, but regional access to information and services relies on social change training efforts at the grassroots level.
To support change at the community level, Kenya Works developed Kenya Works Community Works-- a traveling workshop forum to reach remote communities, training community leaders on social change models that support the legal reforms, and how these practices build empowerment and reduce poverty.
The workshops are expertly facilitated by professional social workers, counselors and lawyers addressing the core issues of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Gender-Based Violence (GBV) early marriage and positive parenting practices.
Mapping Impact
This map shows the areas where the KWCW comprehensive 4-day workshop participants are coming from, educating and empowering identified community leaders, in human rights for all.
Participants return to their communities and advance the
message of awareness, communication and empowerment.
Community leaders throughout Kenya have been trained in our Kenya Works Community Works forums.