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Join the Global Effort

#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.


Kenya Works will be celebrating the power of global unity all week on our social channels as we face COVID-19 together.

Fun & Easy Ways Your Family Can #DoGoodTogether Be part of the global unity effort #GivingTuesdayNow
Dishes N Wishes: Have a SOLIDARITY MEAL
Make a delicious pot of GITHERI, a traditional Kenyan one-pot meal
At our rescue center and feeding program at Miale ya Tumaini, Githeri is on the menu so often, the children of the neighborhood lovingly call Diana, the center's director, "Mama Githeri!" And why does Diana serve this meal so regularly? The dish begins with a base of beans and maize which work together to form a complete protein, so important to ensure kids experiencing food insecurity have a daily meal that powers bodies and mind. 
Have a virtual meal with the children at Miale by sharing their traditional dish. You can find Diana's recipe herePOST pictures of your Githeri meal on FB, Instagram & Twitter. Tag @KenyaWorksOrg so the kids can follow the posts. We'll be using the hashtag #DinnerWithFriends. We all know how dinner with friends feeds the soul, and don't we all need a little of that right now! 
Ride Along on a Food Distribution
Kenya Works is on the ground helping Kenya’s most vulnerable families survive this crisis. Our school-based feeding programs continue despite school closures and are adapting to the unique needs of the communities we serve. Last week, our team was visiting the homes of our 153 secondary scholars who are home from school, to provide their families with food distributions to sustain and nourish during this pandemic. Watch the video here.
Share a Message of Hope

Post a Message of Hope to Kids in Kenya: Write a message of well-wishes, health and hope to the kids at the Miale ya Tumaini rescue center. You can also draw a picture showing you care and are wishing good health to them and their community.


Post it on your (or a parent's) FB and Instagram pages, and be sure to tag @KenyaWorksOrg to make sure the kids at Miale see your messages! Tune into the Kenya Works' Facebook and Instagram pages to see messages from them to you this week! 


Create a fun hashtag or use one of these #KidsTogether #KidsCan 



Make Your Own Liquid Soap!

Kids have an important role to play in stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus! One of the best things we can all do is wash our hands frequently.


In Kenya, many families don't have running water; so the kids in our rescue center at Miale ya Tumaini are making liquid soap for all the children who come to the center for a daily meal. You can make your own liquid soap.

Find Diana's 350 Liter super batch formula here and a Kenyan news channel's clip showing a similar process here.


Don't forget to POST your pictures of soap making on FB, Instagram or Twitter and tag @KenyaWorksOrg so the kids at Miale know we're all in this together! #SuperPowerSoap #WashHands #GiveBack




Connect, Support, Fundraise!

#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity taking place May 5, 2020 – and throughout the week – as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. 


Show your Kenya Works Love by temporarily changing your profile and cover pictures on your social media pages. We've got graphics you can use at the below links. Follow, join and connect your family with Kenya Works' kids and activities all week! You can even host your own FaceBook fundraiser!


Change Your Facebook Profile Frame

Change Your Facebook Cover Photo

Create A Facebook Post


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