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Kenya Works

My Education Sponsorship Story

My name is Karuchi Jesse Muna and I am nineteen years old. In January, I will begin university and will pursue my dream of becoming an architect.

This would not be possible without my sponsors Paul and The Kubic Family through Kenya Works Education Works Sponsorship program. The Kubics began sponsoring me at Vicodec school, stayed with me through high school and now incredibly are sponsoring my university.

I want to encourage each and every student or child who has lost hope in life and education: there is always a way. Believe and trust.

And to those who are able enough to sponsor a child, I want you to know how it brings life to their shuttered dreams and lifts them to achievement.

I have also had help from families who have brought me into their homes along the way. And my family has always loved me and helped me find a way. I began my education at a local primary school in Ngong. My parents could not well afford my school fees together with that of my siblings. At times, I went to school on an empty stomach, which made it hard to concentrate with my studies.

As I finished class 3, my mother was working as a housekeeper. One of her patrons was a mother looking for someone to stay with her son Stanley so he wouldn’t be home alone. Since he was my age mate, my mother offered that I could stay with him. I went to live with them, and they catered for my expenses and school fees. They were so accommodating and provided for everything because they were kind and financially able.

I was joining a new school, Vicodec, where Stanley attended. I went for an interview and honestly, I didn’t perform well. I couldn’t read or write well, and it was recommended I repeat the class. Instead,

Stanley’s mom arranged tutoring and by working hard with teacher Joseph and with Stanley’s help too, I caught up by class 5.

Then, unexpectedly, towards the end of 2015, Stanley’s mom lost her job, and could no longer help me. I planned to return to my mother’s, which meant leaving Vicodec and returning to my former school.

I went to Head Teacher Madame Rose’s office for my transfer slip. And, this is where my story took another turn.

She asked what was happening and after learning my story she introduced me to Vicodec social workers who helped me apply for sponsorship. My dreams got brighter once more, when I learned that Paul and The Kubic family offered to help me as my Education Sponsor.

But I still had no place to stay. The social workers requested that my mother move to a closer place since school was far away from home. We looked for the cheapest house in Gataka slum, where I could live with my sister and be closer to school. Challenges came again when my sister returned home to find a job.

I kept working hard and improving with each term despite the challenges because I really wanted to be successful and help my family. At school, Madam Rose was so good and caring. She would constantly follow up on my results, encourage me and help me whenever I was struggling--she became like a mother to me.

In 2018, I was in class 8 when my home life was so challenging my performance dropped. Madam Rose made the incredible decision to bring me into her home and with this security, I finished eighth grade with good marks. I performed well when I sat for exams and earned a position at one of the best national schools in Kenya–Oloolaiser High School.

I was so fortunate that my sponsor Paul continued with me as I joined high school, facilitated by Kenya Works. I lived at boarding school while school was in session, then stayed at Madam Rose’s home during holidays; other times I went to see my family at Ngong. I continued to work hard in school, and enjoyed co-curricular activities of football and table tennis.

Encouragement from my two families, Kenya Works social works and letters from my sponsors kept me focused. So, by the end of the four years, I managed to get a B and qualified for university level!

Now I am joining The Nairobi Institute of Technology to pursue my dream career, which is architecture. My sponsor has once again offered to pay for my university fee, I am so happy. I will give my best and be the best.

Thank you to the people who have helped me. Kenya Works staff and Madame Julie. VICODEC social works team who helped me on this path. And specially many appreciations to Paul and the Kubic Family for being by me all this time and believing in me. As well as to my family and guardian at large.

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