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Kenya Works


When the Kenya Works team arrived in flood-ravaged Budalangi to celebrate Day of the African Child and distribute Makini Pads last year, students picked them up in a locally made rowboat to ferry them across flooded roads to the school. In addition to being surrounded by snake-infested waters, they learned the school lost electricity two years before when transformers became submerged in flood water and the power company turned off the electric supply.

Fast forward one year, and see how together we are solving problems that grow a brighter future for the 620 students at Musoma Primary!

Will you join us today to continue to bring opportunity?

Harnessing the power of community and 🌞, together we've lit up the classrooms--and future--at a flood-ravaged school serving 620 primary students.

After the KW visit in 2021, the school sent a proposal request for a 90,000kw solar panels & storage system—a great fit within our Education Works building initiative. Read the community’s proposal here for a deeper understanding of how climate change is affecting this region.

While the challenge is mighty, by working together—and for under $5,000 USD—we solved a major problem for a large number of learners. Your dollars go so far with Kenya Works; the impact is real, necessary and urgent. Children in extreme poverty are also the ones who bear the highest burdens of climate change. We remain diligent in the fight to ensure basic needs, education and human rights are available to everyone. Please pledge your support today.

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