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Kenya Works

Turning Period Poverty intoPeriod Empowerment

It’s been our biggest year yet for Makini Pad distributions! Thanks to our donors, our team has provided 26,500 kits already this year. Another 1,000 are being given at our Anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) forum next month. This year, we added Boxers for Boys to our pad distributions, bringing boys in as allies in the fight for gender equality. Through the Makini Pad Initiative, we will have reached 40,000 youth with adolescent empowerment training by the end of the year.

Our Anti-FGM forum next month is on Nov. 25, the International Day to End Violence against Women. The forum date marks the launch of the international campaign 16 Days of Activism. It begins Nov. 25 and runs through Dec. 10, Human Rights Day. Follow the team on Facebook and Insta as they deliver, advocate and inspire human rights action throughout Kenya.


Makini Pad Initiative

Empowering Girls by Ending Period Poverty


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